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Congratulations to the remarkable Class of 2021

Dear UNCF Friend and Supporter,

Thank you for all you do to support UNCF, its students and colleges.

For our 2021 graduates, their success is outstanding because the bar to get here raised significantly with the challenges of the pandemic. Together, we are sending talented students to and through college and we are giving them hope, change and success.

HOPE because many dream of a college education but because of financial challenges can only get to college with our help.

CHANGE because 62% of them are the first in their families to attend college, and 60% come from families with annual household income less than $25,000. When they earn their degrees they are able to break cycles of underachievement in their families.

SUCCESS because our HBCUs are experienced in educating our students and pushing them to success in college and eventually in their lives.

Your generous gift will give hope, change and success.

  • $35 - helps a student with supplies
  • $50 - helps a student with PPE supplies
  • $100 - helps a student with a textbook
  • $200 - helps a student with a laptop or tablet
  • $500 - helps a student with room & board for those doing in-person classes
  • $1000 - helps a student with tuition

Join in the celebration of our triumphant graduates and help another student get to this milestone. Send a congratulatory ecard to honor a graduate or to honor or memorialize someone who helped you to graduate or to make a success of your life.

Please give what you can because “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”®


Michael L. Lomax, Ph.D.
President & CEO
UNCF (United Negro College Fund)

PS: As we celebrate the remarkable success of our graduates, help us to continue moving our students towards graduation and to bring in a new cohort of talented freshmen and women whose goal is to change their life trajectories by earning a college degree.