United Negro College Fund | UNCF


Corporation support

UNCF's corporate donors are investing in the future of America through the education of tomorrow's workforce. Through special programs such as the UNCF Corporate Scholars Program and the UNCF STEM Scholars Program UNCF is working with corporations to develop unique diversity programs tailored to meet their individual workforce needs.

Maintaining competitive member colleges and universities is essential to producing qualified graduates that are prepared to meet the demand for high tech jobs skills in the new global economy. Corporate donations remain vital to fulfilling UNCF's mission to support its 39 member institutions and the 60,000 students they serve.

Here's how your company can help:

UNCF Annual Campaign - Help UNCF member institutions to deliver strong academic programs and maintain affordable tuition rates.  

Scholarships and Internships - A scholarship and other financial support can make the difference in whether or not a student obtains a college degree. 

Special Programs - Teacher education, capacity building, faculty and curriculum development, and research programs help to ensure a high quality competitive education. For more information, take a look at the UNCF STEM Solutions Program and the Institute for Capacity Building.

In-kind Gifts In-kind contributions help to reduce operating costs at UNCF institutions and make more resources like financial aid available for students. 

Sponsorships - UNCF hosts galas, walk-a-thons, luncheons, sports events and concerts around the country.  Please visit Events for information on how your company can become a sponsor.

Cause-Marketing - UNCF partners with corporations to develop creative cause-marketing campaigns and leverage the strength of the UNCF brand to promote the cause of education.

Corporate Partners

UNCF would like to thank all of its corporate donors for their generous support and give special recognition to our partners that contributed over $500,000

2011 UNCF Annual Report


Corporations Department
1805 7th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20001
(202) 810-0200

Email: corporations@uncf.org