2024 Detroit Walk for Education


Please consider being a participant on our Walk team.

We're raising money for the UNCF 36th Annual Detroit Walk for Education. Since UNCF was founded in 1944, it has raised over $5 billion and helped graduate more than 500,000 students from college. In academic year 2022-23, Michigan students received $1,214,122 from UNCF-managed scholarships that assisted them in getting to and through school.

UNCF works tirelessly to empower historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) by changing the HBCU narrative across the nation and helping equip students with the resources necessary to transition into and graduate from college — and ultimately succeed in the workforce.

UNCF HBCUs need help during the best of times because of persistent funding gaps. UNCF works to provide the support they need to enable more students pursue their educational endeavors and graduate from college prepared for leadership roles, competitive employment and active participation in society.

With your financial support, UNCF can continue to assist many deserving young men and women with the opportunity to pursue higher education at a UNCF college or university — increasing their likelihood of being successfully employed and engaged in self-sustaining life choices. Select the "Join" link now to join the team or "Support" link to sponsor us.

On behalf of the students served, thank you for investing in better futures and continuing to believe "a mind is a terrible thing to waste®, but a wonderful thing to invest in."™
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