2024 Detroit Walk for Education

AAA Life Insurance

Be a part of something extraordinary and join our AAA Life Insurance team in supporting the UNCF 36th Annual Detroit Walk for Education! We invite all associates who can participate to come together for this incredible cause.

Since its founding in 1944, UNCF has raised over $5 billion, helping more than 500,000 students graduate from college. During the 2022-23 academic year alone, Michigan students received $1,214,122 in UNCF-managed scholarships, aiding their educational journeys.

UNCF is dedicated to empowering historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) by reshaping the HBCU narrative nationwide and providing students with vital resources to thrive in college and the workforce. Persistent funding gaps mean that UNCF HBCUs always need support to help students achieve their educational goals and prepare for leadership roles, competitive employment, and active societal participation.

Your financial support can make a significant difference. By joining or sponsoring our team, you help UNCF continue to provide deserving young men and women with opportunities for higher education at UNCF colleges and universities, enhancing their chances of successful employment and self-sustaining futures.

Click "Join" to become part of our team or "Support" to sponsor us. On behalf of the students we serve, thank you for investing in brighter futures and affirming that "a mind is a terrible thing to waste®, but a wonderful thing to invest in."™

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