United Negro College Fund | UNCF

Hank and Yvonne Thomas

Total Number of Gifts: 0
Total Value of Gifts: $0.00

Your donation will help talented students who will earn their degrees and make great contributions to our nation.

Henry ‘Hank’ and Yvonne Thomas have been dedicated to the cause of educating minority students at UNCF colleges and universities for the past 25 years. This year, they have capped their commitment to support our students by pledging $250,000 to UNCF.

Recently, at a reception for 60 guests held in their home in Atlanta, GA, they kicked of their pledge with a check for $50,000 to support an endowed scholarship, which will educate students from East Africa who commit to returning to their countries and communities to practice medicine after graduation. The Hank and Yvonne Thomas Endowed Scholarship is designated to Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA.

The Thomases are partners in marriage and in business. Henry "Hank" James Thomas is President of Victoria Hospitality Properties and Vice President of Hayon, Inc. Group. He and his wife, Yvonne, own and operate three Marriott Hotel franchises as well as own and operate two McDonald's franchises. They both are committed to education and feel that historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) colleges must continue their legacy of availability and accessibility for all those who need them.

In their remarks, the Thomases took the opportunity to challenge all their guests to take ownership of supporting the educational institutions established by the African American community over 100 years ago. They emphasized the venerable nature of these institutions and the great alumni who, over the years, have made wonderful contributions to our country and the world. “These colleges and universities that have served us in the past still have a tremendous role to play in our communities and our country today. They are still relevant. I encourage you, urge you, to support these institutions and the talented students who attend them. Invest your money in our institutions and give our children who attend them a fighting chance.”

Mr. Thomas reminded his guests of the road he and many other Americans have walked to get to where we are today. He spoke of being a veteran of the Civil Rights Movement, and one of the original freedom riders. He referred to himself as a foot solider in the movement’s army with 22 arrests under his belt. He was once sentenced to six months in the Mississippi State Penitentiary for treason against the states for using a "Whites Only" men’s room in Jackson, MS. Mr. Thomas is also a Vietnam War Purple Heart recipient.

He has served on the boards of APEX Museum, Butler Street YMCA, and 100 Black Men of Dekalb County, GA. He is currently chair of the Board of Trustees of Piney Woods School, an African American boarding school, in MS. He is a lifetime member of the NAACP.

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