United Negro College Fund | UNCF

TD Bank Payroll Deduction 2021

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For the past few years, TD Bank has partnered with UNCF (United Negro College Fund) to help create better futures for young people. UNCF is the nation’s largest and most effective minority education assistance organization, and the second largest provider of scholarships to minority students, second only to the federal government.

By participating in a workplace campaign to raise funds for deserving students to attend college, UNCF is helping to support over 300 students a year in South Carolina with scholarships totaling over $1.5 million.

“A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”? For more than seven decades, this principle has remained at the heart of UNCF, enabling them to raise more than $5 billion and helping nearly 500,000 students and counting not just attend college, but thrive, graduate and become leaders. UNCF does this in three ways: By awarding more than 10,000 students scholarships, worth more than $100 million, each year; By providing financial support to 37 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs); And by serving as the nation’s leading advocate for the importance of minority education and community engagement.

Our annual local Employee Giving Campaign is November 1-18, 2021. Your donation is an investment in the future of our nation. More important, it’s an investment in a deserving youth who desires to advance his or her education to make a difference in the world around them.

For more information about UNCF, watch this video.

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