Stacey Bryant - AEP for UNCF Walk for Columbus
I have accepted the challenge of raising money for the UNCF National Walk for Education. This cause is important to me because I value education! Donating our dollars will make education accessible to everyone by eliminating financial barriers for deserving students by providing much-needed college scholarships.
With your support, we can do better. You can help to increase the number of scholarships given out by making a donation toward my Walk goal.
My personal goal is to raise $500 for my team: AEP for UNCF Columbus
Counting on you for your continued support!
Thank you!
And remember,
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste.®"
$100 Associate/Undergraduate Degree Milestone
Raised $100 to help students get to and through college
Personal Gift
Has made a donation to this event
Personal Progress:
of Goal
Fundraising Honor Roll
Mr. Brian Palmer
Ms. Stacey Bryant
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