Janine's 2024 UNCF Page
For the 11th year, I have accepted the challenge of raising money for the UNCF Walk for Education. As you know, higher education has always been of vital importance in my family, and by supporting this cause I can help UNCF make that education accessible to deserving students, by eliminating financial barriers and providing much-needed college scholarships.
With your investment in education, we can actually help shape the future. Please help to increase the number of scholarships given out by joining our AEP Walk team on Sept. 14 at Wolfe Park in Columbus or making a donation toward my 2024 s-t-r-e-t-c-h Walk goal of $3000. What an impact we can make together! Let's do this!
Thank you!
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste.®"...but a wonderful thing to invest in!
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