United Negro College Fund | UNCF
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Workplace Giving

Make a difference. A college education changes the trajectory of students' lives.

For more than 80 years, UNCF – the United Negro College Fund – has worked to combat deep-rooted obstacles to higher educational access, achievement and career success, annually providing financial and educational support to our 37 member historically Black colleges and universities and more than 50,000 students attending over 1,100 institutions across the United States.

Your support as a workplace donor is critical to our efforts. Employee donations like yours are the third largest source of unrestricted dollars for our students, changing the life trajectory of underserved students by providing funds for tuition, room and board, books and other life situations. To learn more, please watch this video.

Why Invest in UNCF

  • $50 helps a student buy general supplies
  • $80 helps students stay in college to graduation day
  • $160 helps a student buy textbooks
  • $240 helps a student buy a laptop
  • $500 helps with room and board
  • $1,000 helps with tuition

Please give what you can. UNCF, our HBCUs and our students appreciate you and your donation, no matter how big or small. You can be the difference. You can help change the life trajectory for someone.

Thanks! And, always remember, that “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.”®

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  • Visa
  • Diners Club
  • Discover
  • American Express
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